Cloud Engineer Intern

Jun. 2020 - Present

Design and implement a Go-based Kafka redistributor to reduce lag on partitions by reproducing messages to other partitions

Set up a Redis hash to store the current redistributor states of Kafka consumer groups, each of which is a hash field

Add a REST API endpoint available to all microservices for updating the redistributor state in Redis cache

Develop a poll to periodically retrieve the current redistributor state and tune the Kafka redistributor accordingly in all corresponding service instances

Write unit and benchmarking tests for the redistributor and API’s handler/helper functions using Ginkgo and Gomega

Prepare Python-based End-to-end cloud tests and the redistributor in the Kafka consumers in all microservices

Back-End Software Engineer Intern

Nov. 2019 - Jun. 2020

Maintained GraphQL API for internal mobile and web applications; serving 1000+ students

Designed and used Jest to implement Data Access Object (DAO) mocks dropping database dependencies which greatly reduced unit testing time

Migrated old unit tests to use the DAO mocks for continuous delivery testing

Introduced a strategy to move old data which reduced query time and downsized the primary database by 40%

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Sep. 2018 - Mar. 2019

Worked with Prof. Wayne Hayes and graduate students to improve C++ network alignment algorithm SANA

Implemented SANA’s operation modes in object oriented design for scalability

Measured and analyzed SANA’s performance on different benchmarks for tracking progress

Student Assistant

May. 2018 - Dec. 2018

Built an internal course recommender application operated on a Apache server using PHP, mySQL, HTML, jQuery supporting 1500+ students and counselors at School of Physical Sciences

Personal Projects

Solar System Emulator

A application that models the planets’ movements in Solar system accounting for their mutual gravitational forces

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Partially Observable Logical Agent

An agent that prioritizes tasks and collects rewards in a partially-observable environment optimally using A* algorithm

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